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Your Beautiful Vessel

Many times we think of a vessel as a container to hold something. To have a purpose for something. I have been doing a Bible study called "Hello, Beauty Full." It is based off of a book by Elisa Morgan. It is so so good. The whole study is on beauty & finding your worth in Christ and not in this world. I highly recommend it & will drop a link at the end of this blog for the video study I am doing.

Anyways, get back on track Hannah. Vessels. When we use the word vessel to describe our physical body or as a temple like in (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), it changes the way you think about your body. Or it should.

In John 1:14 God puts Himself in a vessel. It says, "And the Word became flesh and dwelled among us, & we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace & truth."

Glorify God with your body. At the end of the day He gets all the credit & glory. God intricately & beautifully made you. So, when you start believing the lies of the devil of "you're not pretty enough, smart enough, or worth it." Just remember, see your body the way God sees it. Beautiful, because He sees it as a container perfectly designed to hold his essence. He wants us to embrace what He embraced. When His Word became flesh & His dwelling became among us.

Remember you are BEAUTIFUL, you are LOVED, & you are VALUED by your Heavenly Father.


"You take our failure

You take our weakness

You set Your treasure

In jars of clay

So take this heart, Lord

I'll be Your Vessel

The world to see

Your life in me, oh"

//Broken Vessels//

This song has so much power & depth in it. I encourage you to listen to it, & to listen to all of it. Click this link & your ears will be blessed.


Here is the link to where I got the Bible study I am doing. The website is called Right Now Media. It is basically Netflix for Bible studies. It is AWESOME. If you are interested in this and want full access, free of charge, then just shoot me a message and I will get you the details.

I hope you guys have an awesome week! Don't forget to subscribe and leave me a comment about any topics you would like to see discussed. Love you guys xoxHB

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