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Are you having doubt? Doubt about life, family, relationships, or even the Bible? The first thing I think about when I hear the

word doubt is the story about the disciple ,Thomas, when he didn't believe that Jesus had risen from the dead. Thomas said, "Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, & place my finger into the mark of the nails, & place my hand into his side, I will never believe." (Matt.20:25) He doubted, & because of that Jesus appeared to him & said, "Put your finger here, and see my hands; & put out your hand, & place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe." (20:27) Thomas finally believed, but Jesus will bless those who have not seen but still believed.

Doubt can be one of the silliest things ever. So, why do we doubt then about life, family, relationships, or even the Bible when we know Jesus has it all under control? Let me tell ya somethin'. Doubt comes straight from Satan. He will lie to you & make you doubt about so many different things in your life to the point where you can't trust anybody, yourself, or God. But, it's when you believe & have hope in the Lord Jesus Christ, even when you cannot see the circumstances, that will drive that doubt & worry away.


If you are not a christian & you are having doubts about the Bible, then the problem is not the Bible, but the fact that you are not saved. Now, if you are a christian & are having doubts about the Bible, the problem is also not the Bible, but the mere fact that you are believing the lies from Satan & not putting your whole trust into the One who SAVES & LOVES you.


Update on life:

Recently I have put in a Team Lead application at Chick-fil-A. If you do not know what that is, most people don't, it is a leadership position that I will be able to grow in my leadership skills & where God will be able to use me in great ways. So, I'm super pumped about that! If y'all could be praying for me during this time that I will listen to what God wants for me.

Do y'all have something I can be praying for specifically for you guys? Drop a comment below or text me. My phone number is down there as well. :)) Don't forget to subscribe & let me know of any other topics y'all would like me to talk about! Love you guys & have a great week! xoxHB

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